Join Dr. Levry LIVE on Saturday, December 21 for an extraordinary global gathering in person and online
11AM PST • 1PM CDMX • 2PM EST • 4PM Brasil • 8pm Europe

The world is undergoing rapid and complex change. Every day, we witness profound shifts both in our personal lives and on a global scale. From conflicts in various regions to environmental upheaval, the signs are all around us. And now, we are witnessing new activity in the skies.

Headlines are filled with reports of unidentified flying objects, mystery drones, and extraterrestrial activity. As these phenomena become more visible and frequent, it’s clear that we are standing at a pivotal moment in human history. What do these occurrences mean? Why now? And, most importantly, how can we protect ourselves and our loved ones in the face of such unknowns?
In this event Dr. Levry reveals how to prepare for the profound shifts coming in the weeks, months, and years ahead.
The solstice is a moment of cosmic alignment—a perfect time to come together and unite as a global community. Let us come together to align with higher cosmic forces and equip ourselves spiritually to face the times ahead with divine protection and grace.

Global Solstice Program
11am - 12noon PST: Healing Movement and Meditation
12noon -12:30pm PST: Break
12:30pm PST: Divine Spiritual Wisdom Lecture with Dr.Levry
*The lecture may last from 2 or more hours
(Program subject to change)

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